Tuesday, 13 November 2012

TRONing and working

Over the past few days I've managed to get a good bit of climbing in beautiful sunshine, with dry rock, good company and an education in some new terminology.  It's great to always learn something new in climbing whether it be a new route, a new crag, equipment... but I always find the terms that make it into the climbing world quite amusing.  Rot Punkt (Red pointing) from the practice of putting a red dot beside a route that is being worked but has not had a first ascent, back in the day in Frankenjura, the next step to pink pointing where the quickdraws are left in for the lead attempt; TOFP (tops off for power) - the realisation that the t-shirt weighs just too much and is hindering the send; the Send - the process of finishing a problem; the Problem - the route (used more in bouldering terminology), etc. etc.

Patrick TRONing Insominio de Equipmiento F6c+
I have now been introduced to TRONing - Top Rope Onsite.  A fantastic and amusing new term to describe your first attempt on a route which already has the rope in place.  It seems that it is less strict with it's limitations as I've been informed your second top rope attempt can still be called a TRON, although I do question their ethics or maybe it's just the lack of an equally amusing term for further attempts.
I have not yet partaken in this new phenomenon but I do look forward to being a TRONer at some stage and possibly even making it to MEGA-TRON status.

Colette on Rogelio F4+ or F6a+
I also had a lovely day working with Colette from Wexford.  We spent the day looking at some useful rope work related to sports climbing as well as leading, and got a great 9-pitch route in looking at rope management in a multipitch environment and smooth multiple abseil descent.
A great day out with a beautiful sunset to welcome us on our return to terra firma.

Colette back down from Rogelio

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